Do You Or Your Loved Ones Have Symptoms Of Stuttering Or Speech Pathology?

Do You Or Your Loved Ones Have Symptoms Of Stuttering Or Speech Pathology?

 The stuttering disorder has been included in the DSM-IV Classification and includes certain criteria for the disorder to be classified as a stuttering disorder. Only if the individual or child can meet, would  be diagnosed with the stuttering disorder. There is an important note that the disorder not be considered a, but should as a 'speech disorder' or a 'developmental disorder'.

"According to the DSM-IV classification:-

A. A disturbance in the fluency and time patterning of speech that is inappropriate for the

Individual's age. This disturbance is characterized by frequent:-

a. sounds or syllables repetitions or prolongations

b. Various other types of speech dysfluencies interjections,

c. broken words,


B. The disturbance in fluency interferes with academic or occupational achievement or social communication.

C. If a speech-motor or sensory deficit is present, the speech difficulties are over those usually associated with these problems" (Quoted from DSM-IV, 1994)


The cause of the disorder is still a combination of factors that may be responsible for abnormal speech development, inherited brain anomalies, stroke or brain infarction, or mental health problems.  

The signs and symptoms of stuttering include difficulty in starting or continuing a sentence, word, or phrase, repetitions of a word or syllable, tension and tightness of the lips, face, and upper body, tremors of the jaw and lip, and blinking of eyes. People who stutter have difficulties making public speeches (Mayo Clinic, 2012).


 The three cardinal signs include a disturbance of speech and fluency, disturbances that affect occupation, academic or social performance, and a speech-motor or sensory deficit is present. There are frequent repetitions of words, sentences, phrases, or syllables, the words appear broken up, and there may be silent blockings or broken words heard. 

The evaluation by the pathologist is conducted over 3 hours and includes a detailed interview with the parent, observation of the child speaking, and direct speech-language testing. . The speech problem may not be direct, or limited to speech fluency but may be involved with the phonological development, language development, and word-finding abilities of the child. The pathologist would also like to rule out underlying disorders such as Tourette's syndrome which could result in speech problems (Yaruss, 2012).


 Treatment in 50% of the children, and in 43% following a detailed evaluation,  There are different approaches to the disorder. Some of the therapies for stuttering include fluency-shaping therapy, electronic fluency devices, interpersonal therapy, anti-stuttering drugs, support group therapy, psychotherapy, or a combination (Mayo Clinic, 2012).

Fluency shaping therapy includes breathing in a controlled manner to control phonation and articulation of the jaws, tongue, and lips (Mayo Clinic, 2012).  along with interactional and systemic therapies. It can be only the psychological and interpersonal issues involved (Labuschagne, 2004). Some of medications that  stuttering include antidepressants, anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines, and dopamine antagonists. There was a slight but noticeable reduction in stuttering following drugs. , 

The outcome of stuttering is usually good as it is found that about 2-3rds of the school children who develop stuttering in their childhood can recover. The remaining 10% can become in their teenage hood only a small portion has the disorder persisting in adulthood (Mayo Clinic, 2012).


Karlen, H. (2006). What is Stuttering? Retrieved on April 10, 2013, from:

Labuschagne, J. L. (2004). Interpersonal Psychotherapy with a Person who stutters. Retrieved on April 10, 2013, from:

Mayo Clinic (2012). Stuttering. Retrieved on April 10, 2013, from:

Yaruss, J. S. (2012).  Retrieved on April 10, 2013, from:

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