Quitting Smoking And Guinea Pigs

 Some time ago I was speaking with a young woman who is a smoker. She knew that I'm a quit specialist, and jokingly told me she would see me in a few years, and that she was young and could quit any time she wanted to.

I concealed a smile while wondering how many times I had heard people delude themselves in the same way.

 They were groomed, allowed to roam freely in her home, cuddled, and feed the very best fresh food.

I inquired as to if she believed her guinea pigs deserved the very best and she said of course they did. I asked if she would let them smoke and she said I was being ridiculous.

So I then wondered out loud that if small creatures she is treated so well,

She was confused for a moment and then took a guilty look at her cigarettes on the table. She mumbled something about everyone needing a vice and again redirected the conversation away from anything health related.

We humans are strange, we love our animals yet don't bestow the same dedication to our care.

Of course, until the bitter end.

As Paul Simon said in his song "the boxer" "a man (or in this case a woman) hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. Hence why endless anti-smoking campaigns with grisly images go unnoticed by so many younger smokers.

. Harsh realities are sometimes unpalatable but nonetheless necessary in order for people to take the action they require.

. go to http://howtoquitsmokingcigarettesnow.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10473532

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