Bioartificial Liver

Bioartificial Liver


This study is based on the Bioartificial liver that would state its importance, current market trends, and new design through which the functionality of the Bioartificial liver would be enhanced. Moreover, before the elaborate discussion on the Bioartificial liver, a background about the liver's structure, functions, physiology, and malfunctions would be discussed. Afterward, the study would discuss the importance of Bioartificial and artificial livers, and then the study would turn towards the discussion on Bioartificial livers, their current market status, and improvement strategy.

Background and significance

Liver Functions

  1. The second largest organ of the human body weighs 1.5 kg (approx.) and has a variety of functions (Rad, 2020). The different functions of the liver are related to blood and circulation: during the fetal condition, it plays a role in RBC formation while within the adult, it plays a role in RBC destruction. Further, manufactured prothrombin, fibrinogen, and heparin which are essential for clotting (Rad, 2020), stores fat.
  2. Function related to the metabolism of protein: The liver is the main site for the formation of urea, uric acid formation, plasma protein, and nitrogen metabolism through the deamination process, urea synthesis, and so on.

Basic anatomy and physiology of Liver are divided into the left and right lobes by the presence of falciform ligament. Further, from the right lobe, the other two accessory lobes arise which are called the caudate lobe and quadrate lobe.

The Caudate lobe is located on the upper portion of the Liver's visceral surface between the inferior vena cava and fossa that is produced by the presence of ligament venosum. On the other hand, the Quadrate lobe is in the lower portion of the Liver's visceral surface that lies in between the gallbladder and fossa that are produced by ligamentum teres. Moreover, caudate and quadrate lobes are separated by porta hepatis that transmit the nerves, ducts, and vessels into and out of the liver (May 2018).

Diseases/conditions due to Liver malfunction

Hepatitis: Liver gets inflated due to viruses such as Hepatitis A, B, and C. Though, it is non-infectious, it is also caused due to illicit drugs, allergic reactions, heavy consumption of alcohol, and obesity (Rad, 2020).

Cirrhosis: It is a condition in which, the regenerated hepatic cells aggregate and are separated by bands of scar tissues or deposition of collagen tissues causing damage and death of liver cells. Some of the causes of cirrhosis are due to prolonged hepatitis infection, chronic alcoholism, and genetic metabolic disease. Besides, due to cirrhosis, liver function stops completely

Liver failure: It occurs either due to liver disease or intoxication of the liver or chronic disease.

Jaundice: Bilirubin level along with bile pigments level raises, excessively. 



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