Does Gynecomastia Affect Girls or Women?

Does Gynecomastia Affect Girls or Women?

 For millions of patients dealing with gynecomastia, it may seem like a huge deal. It is often times a bigger psychological issue than physical, but there are definitely situations that seem much larger than one may expect. Some people may ask whether or not this can effect women. While some people may not agree with this issue, there is some that can have the effect, however, it is rare and usually doesn't have the same elements of problems.

The Male View

For men this is an issue of hormonal imbalances and issues. For boys especially, this could hinder growth and cause problems with psychological development as well. Medical professionals diagnose this problem in various arenas, and can allow to move forward within the right elements as needed. There is no "one" way to deal with this, even though some may think that there may be. It's imperative to understand that this is a matter of focusing on a lot of different elements moving forward, including the advice of a physician that specializes in this malady.

Female Problems

For females, the growth can be in one breast, or within the tissue as a whole. The hormone issue is a condition that could cause extreme growth in some cases, or minimal growth. However, it is very rare that this occurs. Again, only a professional can really diagnose this, and discuss the issue as a whole. It doesn't usually occur in women, which is why it's an extreme rarity. However, there may be a hormonal shift that can cause issues in the area, so this is not 100% out of the ordinary, but rather something that is isolated in the category of "rare".

Dealing With The Issue

When the problem manifests, males can take several courses of action. First and foremost, only a physician can diagnose this problem, however, if one feels that they are dealing with this, help is found through various means. The goal is going to be to reverse the flow of estrogen, and start to produce more testosterone. This can be done through more exercise and focus on diet as well. Aside from diet and exercise, there are supplements that can be taken to help alleviate the issue, and if all else fails, surgery will need to be looked into.

The Surgical Route

Surgery for gynecomastia will remove the fatty tissue and ensure the pectoral muscle is stabilized and the main focal point on the chest. It will also allow for healing to reduce the swelling and the fatty build up for the future. Surgeons can drain fluid buildup that may give the appearance of the malady returning, and over time, this will be an extreme that is well worth looking into as a whole. This is something of a last resort, however, as there are other medications and exercise programs that can help with this issue at first. If the problem continues and the hormonal balance doesn't shift, then this will definitely need to be considered moving forward.

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